Top Motivational Speaking Trends to look for when booking a speaker | Booking Celebrity Talent

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Top Motivational Speaking Trends to look for when booking a …

It’s crucial in any industry to find what motivates yourself and those around you. Proper motivation leads to more productivity and better results. Everyone is motivated differently, but motivational speakers can do wonders for figuring out how to create more drive in an individual, or a workplace. 


The motivational speaking game is constantly changing. Today, people crave short interactive experiences that teach them more about themselves and those around them as opposed to long, boring drawn out speeches. When it comes to truly captivating an audience, there a few differentiating factors to look for.


Here are the top 5 motivational speaking trends of 2019, that keep the audience engaged.


  1. Interactive Speakers

Interactive speakers work in two ways. Event organizers want the speakers they hire to be both active in and outside of the event. Promoting the event generates more hype and can increase attendance thus driving revenue. When a speaker goes beyond the actual speaking, and creates an atmosphere of more than just an event, that is when an audience is intrigued. 


Interactive speakers also appeal to their specific audience. When speakers are able to get the crowd involved it brings the speech to life. A speech that is interactive almost serves as a conversation with the audience rather than a lecture. This keeps the audience’s attention, and ultimately leads to a greater takeaway.


  1. People’s Attention Spans are Shortened

It has been well documented that in the digital age people’s attention spans are much shorter than they used to be. This applies to motivational speaking as audience’s enjoy shorter speeches over longer speeches. A shorter session is able to keep the audience attentive where a long speech that drags on can leave some bored.


This format also allows for more speakers. The shorter the speech, the more the speaker has to capture in the time span. In addition, multiple speakers can be utilized in different speeches.


  1. Strong Visuals

Strong and creative visuals go a long way to conveying a message. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” applies here. People often understand things better when they are shown rather than told. Vibrant visuals during a presentation can produce a better understanding.


In order to keep the audience interested it’s important to provide charts, pictures, etc. to supplement what a speaker is saying. Speakers should feel free to pull back from delivering their topic orally and let their visuals do the talking.


  1. Quantify the Subject

Quantifying a subject can help ensure an audience understands the subject matter. This can be as simple as providing facts and figures that help a topic or it could be as extensive as conducting research on a certain topic and using that research in a speech.


Doing this will not only increase engagement and understanding but also provide a deeper sense of credibility.


  1. Make the Subject Last

It’s important for a speaker to leave the audience with an impression that won’t dissipate once the stage has cleared. This can be done in numerous ways such as a token or lasting thought to ensure an audience’s experience goes far beyond the speech.


This will increase the success a speaker has in terms of educating the audience. The knowledge will be retained and the audience will be better equipped to apply what they just learned.

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