Fee Range: Call for Fee
Topics: Innovative Entrepreneur Speakers, Technology Entrepreneur Speakers, Ted Talk Speakers,
Celebrity Speaker for hire Caleb Harper is a principal research scientist at MIT and founder of the Open Agriculture Initiative. Harper is on the forefront of the exploration and development of future food systems. Harpers research includes optimizing energy and agricultural systems, data-driven resource, environmental design and STEM and STEAM educational programs.
Being a member on countless boards including National Geographic Explorer, WEF, and CAP, Harper is working towards creating a more efficient, healthy future for us all. Harper leads teams of scientists, architects, economists, urban planners and engineers with OpenAG. They focus on educating others on how much we know about what we eat, climate democracy, and the future of food systems. Harper has consulted with major corporations including World Bank, USAID, and many others around the globe.
Harper joined TED to help educate viewers on his team’s use of technology in creating more transparent and elaborate food systems in his “Food Computers” talk. He proposed provocative questions and concepts including growing food indoors around the world. Harper also shared his vision to connect growers with technology and changing the way we think about food.
Harper has also joined Nobel Week Dialogue to deliver speeches as well as a feature on 60 Minutes and ABC News. On 60 Minutes, Harper discussed MIT Media Lab, a place for innovative ideas and research. Discussing his plans for a healthy future is one of the many captivating ideas Harper captures in all of his speaking engagements.
Would your organization like to hire Caleb Harper as a keynote speaker for your next corporate conference, entrepreneurial summit or industry event? Contact Celebrity Speakers Bureau today to hire Caleb Harper or another innovative business speaker via email at booking@celebrityspeakersbureau.com .