How Do I Find Speaker Fees For a Celebrity Motivational Keyn …
The one consistency in the speakers bureau business is the insatiable thirst for the customer to assess motivational keynote speaker fees vs. budget.
At least five times a day, a customer contacts us at Celebrity Speakers Bureau asking “how much” are the speaker fees for this A-list celebrity or that country music star, athlete, social media influencer, reality TV star or business speaker? There are no commercially available sites that post the speaking fee for celebrities. It takes years of building relationships in the speaker industry with speaker booking agents or managers to obtain the holy grail of the celebrity speakers industry, the speaker fee! Next to the travel plans of an American president, there are very few secrets kept any more secure than how much does a celebrity cost!
At Celebrity Speakers Bureau (CSB) we are proactive in our discussions with celebrity booking agents and managers. The staff at CSB have decades of personal and professional relationships with exactly the keepers of this type of information. To assess how the speaker fee structure for say Shark Tank’s Mark Cuban, Lori Greiner or Kevin O’Leary you need to evaluate factors including how famous they are compared to each other, who has bigger business opportunities outside of Shark Tank, who has less availability due to other business ventures and who has the highest demand from customers looking to book them for a speaking engagement, personal appearance or corporate event. These are the types of evaluations the staff who book speakers make every day for hundreds of corporate clients inquiring about hiring a motivational keynote speaker.
And if you are curious, the answer is: 1. Mark Cuban 2. Kevin O’Leary and 3. Lori Greiner in order of cost not necessarily the volume of requests. Mark Cuban is the most requested but as a billionaire in his own right, he doesn’t book as often. Ms. Greiner, with her massive QVC business, is in high demand on a regular basis for business expos, women’s conferences and tradeshows when they are looking to hire a motivational keynote speaker who will impact the gait and number of attendees.
Another area of massive traffic for Celebrity Speakers Bureau is business conferences in search of speaker fees for a truly impactful speaker and help in the assessment of just who would fit into the event’s budget.
We field regular inquiries for James Cameron, Sir Richard Branson, Malcolm Gladwell, Ashton Kutcher and Jack Welch who are all well into the six figures when it comes to overall speaker fees, travel buyouts, expenses, etc. While these gentleman have earned their right to charge these spectacular fees, there are others that are comparable in fame but their booking fee is considerably less including Daymond John also of Shark Tank, Marcus Lemonis of The Profit, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Peyton Manning. These second tier speakers are only second tier based on price not quality of their speech or value in drawing an audience to a corporate event looking to hire a keynote speaker who has massive impact on the attendees.
When you are searching for speaker fees and speaker booking prices for motivation speakers, keynotes or celebrities, contact a booking agent at Celebrity Speakers Bureau at (212)410-2853 or email us at booking@celebrityspeakersbureau.com to speak with one of our world class customer service representatives who can assist you and answer that age old question, how much does a celebrity cost?